A downloadable game

A B O U T     T H E     G A M E : 

You are a high school girl who decides to explore an abandoned house, the house that turns out to be a portal to a world detached from reality, where any move can lead to your death!



W, A, S, D - For Movement

E For Interaction 

D E V E L O P E R' S   N O T E

Game made with RPG in a Box 

Engine link : https://store.steampowered.com/app/498310/RPG_in_a_Box/

This game is a rework of a game I made a long time ago, where in this version you are no longer running away from anything, and the player is left to explore.

The game is very much inspired by backrooms, but also by horror sites such as Lomando (some levels are direct recreations made by me)

The game itself is quite thorough, because you have to be patient, any door can kill you, in pretty bad ways.

Absolutely all Death screens were drawn by hand, artworks that took longer than making the game "))))))

Some of them were removed since I had to remove part of the game because it had too many bugs.


The vhs under the floor.rar 176 MB


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(3 edits)

i just played this game and at one point THIS fella popped up and my whole computer froze and my boot priority changed. i dont know if this was intentional or not but it def freaked me out. really nice game nonetheless, keep it up!

Thanks ^^ 

Nice this was really good game I like it and I like every different section and looks really great too anyway well done keep it up!

thanks for support man ^^